Friday, September 26, 2008

Sick to Creative

I'm a little late on this blog because I felt awful yesterday and barely got out of bed. Many things have greatly effected me this past week or so and I can't tell if the over-all impact has been positive or negative. Last weekend my friends from Chicago were in town, they are in the band Treay of Paris and they are on tour. I had a blast with them and I miss them already. They'll be back in November. Also, on Wednesday I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 and a half years. This has been effecting me the most, but I think I'll be ok. And then, to top it all off, I got pretty sick yesterday. I still can't tell if it was physical or mental, but it sucked. AND... today is my birthday... and it's rainy... and I'm home alone. It's been quite a week or two, so now I've decided to get inspired. I'm going to share with you some inspiring and creative websites that have made me feel better.

My friends from Chicago, Treaty of Paris. Mike, Phil, Chris, Dan, and Nick are like a ray of sunlight when they enter the room and I can't wait to see them in November. Also, besides just listening to their music, their video blogs are HYSTERICAL! I suggest watching them when you're in a bad mood. There are 6 or so on their Myspace blog, but the third link is their You Tube page with 3 whole pages of video blogs that span about a year.

My good friend Mike Graziano, aka Grassy, is one of the greatest artists I know. He's a photographer and a graphic designer. He, I, and a few friends of ours are starting up a clothing company. The second link is to that clothing company, but it's not quite up and running yet. (Be sure to check back periodically though, the first shirts are coming in soon) The first link is his personal site.

Photography is one of my personal passions, I've been doing it since I was 15. This is a good site to browse and share.

This is a site I use to help me out when I have a block in my brain. I am not a poet, but sometimes I like to get creative or I have to write a poem for a class. This site helps get the creative juices flowing, for me at least.

You Tube is one of my favorite sites to visit because you never know what you'll find. Through You Tube, I have found the sketch comedian John Roberts. He makes me laugh so hard, and I'm very partial to his "Mom" character. She is a typical Long Island mother and she is probably exactly like your mother. "The Christmas Tree" is my favorite skit. I also enjoy his character "Debra" because you definitely went to High School with her. :-)

Seeing pretty art, taking pictures, listening to great music, laughing, and good friends always makes me feel better. I am trying to start over, and maybe my 23rd Birthday is what I needed. A new year of my life that will help me become a new and better me.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


In my creative writing class, we did an excercise on abtractions. We were given a word and we had to write the first thing that popped into our heads. Here's an example of one of mine.

-giving a homeless person a sandwhich
-the streets of New York
-bright lights and noise
-a christmas tree
-a warm home, fire place buning, the scent of food and candles, full of family
-my mother
-childhood and simple pleasures
-play doh-- the feel, the scent, and yes, the taste
-saturdays off
-cartoons and cereal
-the flintstones

In a matter of 3 minutes I went from "Generosity" to "the flintstones." It is a strabge connection but it made me think about how our minds work. I really enjoyed this exercise and it really helped me open up my mind and my thoughts.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Vampires and Frankenstein

A work that has inspired me recently is the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. Her writing is so fluent and clear and it keeps me right in the story the whole time. The series is made up of 4 books, all of which i read in 3 weeks, and it is basically about the relationship between vampires and humans. It has made me want to write a book of my own more now then I have ever wanted to write one in the past.

Another author who has always inspired me is Mary Shelley. Frankenstein has been my favorite book since the first time I read it. Her writing is absolutely amazing and I am always intrigued by the fact that she was so young when she wrote it. It will always be a top book on my list and something I always look back at for inspiration.

Stephenie Meyer:

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Opening Statement

...Besides Myspace, this is my first blog. I created it due to the fact that I need to have a blog for my Creative Writing class at William Paterson University, but I hope to keep it up after the semester and my assignments are completed. I am currently a senior and an English major with a concentration in writing. I will be a High School English teacher one day and I hope to graduate in December of 2009. I will also publish a fiction book one day, I am sure of it. I plan on posting my ideas, my personal writing, and other stories and poems that interest me. Don't be surprised if some song lyrics pop up from time to time, music is everything to me. I hope you enjoy what I create and feel free to leave me some feedback; I appreciate it. Thanks for reading. :)